Tadpoles: The Biology of Anuran LarvaeTadpoles : the biology of anuran larvaeTadpoles, Predation and Pond Habitats in the TropicsCharacter displacement in polyphenic tadpoles.Keratodont formulae in anuran tadpoles: proposals for a standardizationDifferent antipredator behaviour in two anuran tadpoles: effects of predator dietADAPTIVE PLASTICITY IN DEVELOPMENT OF SCAPHIOPUS COUCHII TADPOLES IN DESERT PONDSThe developmental capacity of nuclei taken from intestinal epithelium cells of feeding tadpoles.LOCAL POPULATION DIFFERENCES IN PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY: PREDATOR‐INDUCED CHANGES IN WOOD FROG TADPOLESCorrelations of cranial morphology, ecology, and evolution in Australian suctorial tadpoles of the genera Litoria and Nyctimystes (A...