Towards a Strategy for a Representation of Collocations -Extending the Danish PAROLE-lexiconDispersions and adjusted frequencies in corporaEXTRATOS VEGETAIS [Descritor de assunto]İSLAM HUKUKUNA GÖRE İSTİHÂLE VE İSTİHLÂKIN NECİS KATKI MADDESİ İÇEREN GIDA, İLAÇ, KOZMETİK VETEMİZLİK MALZEMELERİN...Mechanical cooler and cryostat for submillimeter SIS mixer receiver in spaceCurrent density in a long solitary tubular conductorOptimizing itineraries in public transportation with walks between ridesPrevalence of childhood asthma in Istanbul, TurkeyExact Bounds on Sample Variance of Interval DataAutomatic load frequency control of multi area power systems