RFID SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING OUT-OF-STOCK ITEMSReducing the Out-of-Stock Costs in a Developing Retailing SectorThe impact of retail out-of-stock options on preferences: The role of consumers’ desire for assimilation versus differentiationManagement on the Risk of out of Stock in VMISuccessful service recovery strategies : an investigation of service recovery strategies when a promoted item is out-of-stockNo, stockbrockers won't be put out of businessOut of stock onderzoek bij Jumbo Supermarkten B.V. : een handgreep voor het beheersen van de OOS problematiek / R.R.T.M. van den PolReporting out-of-stock itemsForty years of Out-of-Stock research – and shelves are still emptyThe impact of context and promotion on consumer responses and preferences in out-of-stock situations