- She remonstrated with the porter.
她与门房争吵起来。 - I won't stoop to argue with him.
Altered phosphorylation of growth-associated protein B50/GAP-43 in Alzheimer disease with high neurofibrillary tangle density
Senile Dementia with Tangles (Tangle Predominant Form of Senile Dementia)
Neurofibrillary tangle-predominant dementia: comparison with classical Alzheimer disease
Occurrence of human α-synuclein immunoreactive neurons with neurofibrillary tangle formation in the limbic areas of patients with A...
How to Tangle with a Nested Radical
NETs tangle with HIV.
No-tangle two dog retractable leash with flashlight
Continuity of neuropil threads with tangle-bearing and tangle-free neurons in Alzheimer disease cortex. A confocal laser scanning mi...
Caspase-Cleaved Tau Co-Localizes with Early Tangle Markers in the Human Vascular Dementia Brain
Electrical terminal with anti-tangle tangs