Properties and preparation of eletrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel filmsSurfaceenhancedRamanspectroscopysignalsofmixedpesticidesandtheiridentificationCovariate-adjusted adaptive randomization in a sarcoma trial with multi-stage treatments (p 1947-1964)Joint demodulation using spatial maximum likelihoodThermo-responsive polymeric surfaces; control of attachment and detachment of cultured cells (p 571-576)Index - Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded SystemsJournal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer - 15(2):129 - PDF (AIAA)Authentication in the Taos operating systemOpen system magmatic evolution of the Taos Plateau volcanic field, northern New Mexico: 1. The petrology and geochemistry of the Ser...Open System Magmatic Evolution of the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, Northern New Mexico: II. The Genesis of Cryptic Hybrids