TAPETUM DETERMINANT1 Is Required for Cell Specialization in the Arabidopsis AntherRice Undeveloped Tapetum1 is a major regulator of early tapetum development.AtMYB103 regulates tapetum and trichome development in Arabidopsis thaliana.The rice tapetum degeneration retardation gene is required for tapetum degradation and anther development.The isolation and characterisation of the tapetum-specific Arabidopsis thaliana A9 geneRegulation of Arabidopsis tapetum development and function by DYSFUNCTIONAL TAPETUM1 (DYT1) encoding a putative bHLH transcription f...Transcription factor AtMYB103 is required for anther development by regulating tapetum development, callose dissolution and exine fo...An F-box gene linked to the self-incompatibility (S) locus of Antirrhinum is expressed specifically in pollen and tapetumMale-sterility of thermosensitive genic male-sterile rice is associated with premature programmed cell death of the tapetumDisruption of the novel plant protein NEF1 affects lipid accumulation in the plastids of the tapetum and exine formation of pollen, ...