Drug-induced liver injury: Is it somehow foreseeable?Contrast-enhanced sonography versus biopsy for the differential diagnosis of thrombosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patientsA Population-Based Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Florence over 15 Years (1978-92)Hemodynamic response to pharmacological treatment of portal hypertension and long-term prognosis of cirrhosis ☆Arabidopsis thaliana plants overexpressing thylakoidal ascorbate peroxidase show increased resistance to Paraquat-induced photooxida...A prospective comparative study of the amo array zonal-progressive multifocal silicone intraocular lens and a monofocal intraocular ...General and cancer specific mortality of a population based cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: the Florence StudyGaming device and method of playing a gameEmergency sclerotherapy versus vasoactive drugs for variceal bleeding in cirrhosis: a Cochrane meta-analysis.The incidence of esophageal varices in cirrhosis