Targum Pseudo-Jonathan : GenesisThe Targum of the Minor ProphetsTargum Onqelos on Genesis 49 : translation and analytical commentaryTargum Neofiti 1: An Exegetical Commentary to Genesis including full Rabbinic ParallelsThe Language of Targum Onqelos and the Model of Literary Diglossia in AramaicLishan Didan, Targum Didan : translation language in a Neo-Aramaic Targum traditionStudies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets: From Nahum to Malachi by Robert P. GordonStudies in the Syntax of Targum Onqelos / עיונים בתחביר לשונו של אונקלוסTranslation and Commentary in One: the Interplay of Pluses and Substitutions in the Targum of the ProphetsCain and Vulnerability: The Reception of Cain in Genesis Rabbah 22 and Targum Onkelos, Targum Neofiti and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan