- The tattler was the one who informed against those talking during the test.
这说闲话的人正是告发考试中说话的人。 - If she could only say something, she thought, that would clear this matter up and make him feel that she was no tattler.
Bed wetting tattler
Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus)
Nesting of the Wandering Tattler
A New Breeding Record of the Wandering Tattler in Alaska
Nesting Records of the Wandering Tattler and Surf-Bird in Alaska
A sighting of a leg-flagged Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes on Guam, Mariana Islands
Second mainland record of grey-tailed tattler Tringa brevipes and confirmation of the scarcity of this species in Sumatra
Breeding Records of the Surfbird, Wandering Tattler, American Golden-Plover, and Upland Sandpiper in the Southwest Yukon Territory
The type localities of Cook's petrel (Pterodroma cookii), reef heron (Egretta sacra sacra) and wandering tattler (Tringa incana)