- Taxpayer: what about the tax base?
Why do firms hold so much cash? A tax-based explanation ☆Why do firms hold so much cash? A tax-based explanationTax base variability and procyclical fiscal policy in developing countriesA Tax-Based Test for Nominal RigiditiesA Tax-Based Test of the Dividend Signaling HypothesisThe assignment and division of the tax base in a system of hierarchical governmentsHow Would Formula Apportionment in the EU Affect the Distribution and theSize of the Corporate Tax Base? An Analysis Based on German...Globalisation and Developing Countries – a Shrinking Tax Base?A Tax-Based Estimate of the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 11945LOCAL EDUCATION EXPENDITURES, FISCAL CAPACITY, AND THE COMPOSITION OF THE PROPERTY TAX BASE