- There isn't the slightest flaw in this tea set.
这套茶具连一丁点儿毛病都没有。 - These tea things are sold by the set, not separately.
Tea set
Tea set
Tea set
Development of a set of genomic microsatellite markers in tea ( Camellia L.) (Camelliaceae)
Set of interchangeable tea light holders
Development of flower, pollination and seed-set in tea in north-east India [1975]
The TEA Set: Tacit Knowledge and Scientific Networks
The GRENE-TEA model intercomparison project (GTMIP) Stage 1 forcing data set
Innovative Design and Practice of Modern Ceramic Tea Set
Syneresis and rheological behaviors of set yogurt containing green tea and green coffee powders
The Automatic Control for Tea Fixation Compressor Set Based on PLC
On the Design of Tea Set from Yongle Porcelain in Ming Dynasty
Research on Innovative Design of Tea Set in Internet Thinking Mode