- Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.
松木是软木,柚木是硬木。 - The furniture is made of plywood covered in teak veneer.
Teak: a global overview.
The gentle teak giants.
Growth and yield models for teak plantations in Costa Rica.
Carbon storage of harvest-age teak ( Tectona grandis ) plantations, Panama
Sorption of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution by Tectona grandis l.f. (teak leaves powder)
Effect of different levels of humic acid on the growth and nutrient uptake of teak seedlings
Tissue culture of forest trees: Clonal multiplication of Tectona grandis L. (teak) by tissue culture ☆
Activated carbon from char obtained from vacuum pyrolysis of teak sawdust: pore structure development and characterization
Isolation and structures of schleicherastatins 1-7 and schleicheols 1 and 2 from the teak forest medicinal tree Schleichera oleosa.
Metabolic changes during adventitious root primordium development in Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak) cuttings as affected by age of ...