What is technography?
Technography of pico-hydropower in the Lao PDR
A Musical Technography of John Bischoff
Technography = Technology + Ethnography: An Introduction
Global technography: Ethnography in the age of mobility
Trash on the CornerEthics and Technography
Computer science curriculum:technography, technocracy, technology, or theology?
Toward a Technography of Everyday Life: The Methodological Legacy of James W. Carey's Ecology of Technoculture as Communication
An Ethnography of Everyday Caring for the Living, the Dying, and the Dead: Toward a Biomedical Technography
Of Walking Shoes, Boats, Golf Carts, Bicycles, and a Slow Technoculture: A Technography of Movement and Embodied Media on Protection...