TechnophobeThe Technophobe Seeks Common DenominatorsLast days of the corporate technophobeThe Technophobe and the Madman: an Internet2 distributed musicalWired: Schreber as Machine, Technophobe, and VirtualistTechnophobe vs. Techno-enthusiast: Does the Internet Help or Hinder the Balance Between Work and Home Life?Mainstream Technology as an Occupational Therapy Tool: Technophobe or Technogeek?« Une réinterprétation de l'idéologie vichyste comme posture technophobe et anti-artificialiste »The Answer to a Technophobe's Prayer; ITstandard: Allergic to New Tech? Bored with Beige Boxes? Caramel Quin and Mark Hughes-Morgan ...From Longhand Writing to Word Processing: A Phenomenological Study of the Technophobe Turned Novelist