- Multi-episodic rifting and inverted tectonism caused complicated structural styles and geology structure.
Diversity dynamics of Miocene mammals in relation to the history of tectonism and climate....alkaline magmatism, and other tectonism post...Plains tectonism on Venus: The deformation belts of Lavinia PlanitiaEarthquakes and present-day tectonism in IcelandNEOTECTONISM AND LATE HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION IN BOHAI SEATibetan basement rocks near Amdo reveal “missing” Mesozoic tectonism along the Bangong suture, central TibetLong river profiles, tectonism, and eustasy: A guide to interpreting fluvial terracesTectonism and volcanism on MercuryLate Mesozoic tectonism of Southeast ChinaEarly Paleozoic tectonism within the East Antarctic craton: The final suture between east and west Gondwana?