- The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer.
夏天这条河里各种各样的鱼多得很。 - The rain teemed down for hours.
'Pristine' Forest Teemed with PeopleQuality of 8-ton ingots teemed under slag and without itAmazon archaelogy. 'Pristine' forest teemed with people.The region "teemed with abundance": Interlake Saulteaux concept of territory and sovereigntyDevice for shrouding a stream of metal teemed through a slidable gateMETHOD AND DEVICE FOR SHROUDING A STREAM OF METAL TEEMED THROUGH A SLIDABLE GATEEFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS WHEN Kh12 STEEL IS MELTED AND TEEMED ON ITS QUALITY.ANALYSIS OF THE FORMATION OF LARGE INCLUSIONS AT THE BOTTOM OF UPHILL-TEEMED RAIL STEEL INGOTInfluence of slide valve refractory composition on the quality of bearing steels teemedNONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS IN BEARING STEEL MADE IN 200 TON ELECTRIC-ARC FURNACES, LADLE-REFINED AND TEEMED TO 4. 2 AND 6. 5 TON INGOTS.