Fraksinasi protein tegumen cacing hati (Fasciola Sp.) dan respon imunnya pada mencitThe Minerals and Chemical Composition of the Spectrum Analysis of the Tegumen of Cassava of EuphorbiaceaeMale genital homology based on musculature originating from the tegumen in snout moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea)Fraksinasi Protein Tegumen Cacingan Hati (Fasciola sp) dan Tanggap Kebalnya pada Mencit (FRACTIONATION TEGUMENT PROTEIN OF LIVER FLU...Germinacao de sementes de leguminosas forrageiras nativas submetidas a tratamentos para a quebra da impermeabilidade do tegumento.Tratamento da mordida aberta anterior com grade palatina e mentoneira: estudo comparativo dos efeitos dentoalveolares e tegumentaresEvaluation of larval density Cochliomyia macellaria F. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) for therapeutic use in the recovery of tegumentar i...Immunoblotting identifies additional antigens recognised by mice protectively vaccinated with adult Schistosoma mansoni tegumental m...Efficiency of noninvasive sampling methods (swab) together with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for diagnosing American Tegumentary ...Kanzler B, Viallet JP, Le Mouellic H et al.Differential expression of two different homeobox gene families during mouse tegument mor...