- The finger milling-cutter templet of involuting gear is the assistant tool mostly to machining big modulus gear.
齿轮指形铣刀样板是加工大模数齿轮的主要辅助工具。 - This paper analyses area counting and templet counting by comparison, and weighs the pros and cons.
Habitat, the Templet for Ecological Strategies?
Adversity Selection and the Habitat Templet
Species traits in relation to a habitat templet for river systems
Community structure and the habitat templet: ants in the tropical forest canopy and litter
Reproductive traits, habitat use and templet theory: a synthesis of world‐wide data on aquatic insects
The stream as a habitat templet for bryophytes: species' distributions along gradients in disturbance and substratum heterogeneity
Townsend, C. R., and A. G. Hildrew. Species traits in relation to habitat templet for river systems. Freshwater Biology
Species traits in relation to temporal and spatial heterogeneity in streams: a test of habitat templet theory
Stream community structure in relation to spatial and temporal variation: a habitat templet study of two contrasting New Zealand str...
On the Relationship between r/K Selection and Environmental Carrying Capacity: A New Habitat Templet for Plant Life History Strategies