The anatomy of neglect without hemianopia: a key role for parietal-frontal disconnection?Cross-modal localization in hemianopia: new insights on multisensory integrationCriteria for early detection of temporal hemianopia in asymptomatic pituitary tumor.Comparison of visual field training for hemianopia with active versus sham transcranial direct cortical stimulationContrasting spatial hearing deficits in hemianopia and spatial neglect.Size perception in hemianopia and neglectLingual and fusiform gyri in visual processing: a clinico-pathologic study of superior altitudinal hemianopia.[Visual agnosia without right hemianopia in a right-handed patient (author's transl)]Patterns of Recovery from Homonymous Hemianopia Subsequent to Infarction in the Distribution of the Posterior Cerebral ArteryInfarction of the fusiform and calcarine regions: agitated delirium and hemianopia.