TenaculumTenaculumTenaculumEndoscopic tenaculum surgical instrumentControlling tenaculum: instrument for uterine mobilization during tubal sterilizationDoes tenaculum application to the cervix during intrauterine insemination affect pregnancy rates?The use of tenaculum during intrauterine insemination may not affect the pregnancy outcome.Effect of cervical traction with a tenaculum on the uterocervical angleTwo tenaculum-bearing Holocephalimorpha (Chondrichthyes) from the Bear Gulch Limestone (Chesterian, Serpukhovian) of Montana, USAComparison of interventions for pain control with tenaculum placement: a randomized clinical trialJunctional zone contractions and embryo transfer: is it safe to use a tenaculum?Effect of a Vulsellum Compared With a Single-Tooth Tenaculum on Pain Perception During Intrauterine Device Insertion [223].Effect of an atraumatic vulsellum versus a single-tooth tenaculum on pain perception during intrauterine device insertion: a randomi...