tendosynovitisTendosynovitistendosynovitisCHRONIC TENDOSYNOVITIS OF THE EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS TENDON IN THE HORSETendosynovitis and osteoclast formation as the initial changes of preclinical inflammatory arthritis[Carpal tunnel syndrome in tuberculous tendosynovitis of the hand][Paralysis of R. profundus nervi ulnaris due to localized tendosynovitis nodosa]Acute carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to Staphylococcus aureus tendosynovitis: Case reportSignificance of relationship between myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma and nodular tendosynovitisTHE CLINICAL EFFECTS OF COMBINED THERAPY OF EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE AND ULTRASHORT WAVE ON STENOSAL TENDOSYNOVITIS