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High-speed tensility testing apparatusVariable tensility in echinoderm collagenous tissues: A reviewVariable tensility of the ligaments in the stalk of a sea-lilyResearch on tensility of wheat straw for reinforced materialvariable tensility of the peristomial membrane of the sea-urchin Paracentrotus livid US (lamarck)Anti-Decayed Ability and Maximum Tensility of Rice Straw in Humid EnvironmentVariable tensility of the oral arm plate ligaments of the brittlestar Ophiura ophiura (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)Force method of surface force density with applications to tensility structuresDetermination of Nanyang Color Wheat Paste’s Tensility and Evaluation of the Powder QualityDevelopment of the rabbit retina. IV. Tissue tensility and elasticity in dependence on topographic specializations