Classics in neurology. Fragments of neurologic history: "Tetanoid Chorea"and progressive lenticular degenerationA case of post-varicellal encephalitis showing bilateral softening of the neostriatum and terminal tetanoid chorea (Gowers)The tetanoid syndrome and its relation to menstrual cramps[Affection manifested by diffused tetanoid contraction with variable hyperkinesia and of subacute fatal evolution]CASE OF GENERAL TETANOID CONTRACTURE, WITH A TYPHUS-LIKE ERUPTION ; RECOVERY.TETANOID SEIZURES IN EPILEPSYTetanoid chorea associated with cirrhosis of liverOn tetanoid chorea and its association with cirrhosis of the liverTETANY AND TETANOID SPASMS ASSOCIATED WITH GASTRIC DILATATION TREATED SURGICALLY. ☆"Tetanoid syndrome"a vitamin /selenium responsive disease in swamp buffalo