- Abnormal development was observed at tetrad and mature embryo sac.
在四分体和成熟胚囊时期观察到了异常发育现象。 - The megaspore mother cell meiosis to form a linear megaspore tetrad.
Tetrad analysis possible in Arabidopsis with mutation of the QUARTET (QRT) genes
Tetrad analysis is possible in Arabidopsis with mutation in the QUARTET (QRT) genes
Mechanism of inhibition of HIV-1 integrase by G-tetrad-forming oligonucleotides in Vitro.
The lanthanide tetrad effect and its correlation with K/Rb, Eu/Eu∗, Sr/Eu, Y/Ho, and Zr/Hf of evolving peraluminous granite suites
Highly evolved juvenile granites with tetrad REE patterns: the Woduhe and Baerzhe granites from the Great Xing'an Mountains in NE Ch...
Transplant Glomerulopathy, Late Antibody-Mediated Rejection and the ABCD Tetrad in Kidney Allograft Biopsies for Cause
Structure of the human telomere in K+ solution: a stable basket-type G-quadruplex with only two G-tetrad layers
Formation of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, hydroxyl free radical adduct of DNA in granulocytes exposed to the tumor promoter, tetradecano...
Inhibitory effect of curcumin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and ferulic acid on tumor promotion in mouse skin by 12-O-tetradecano...
Kinetic characterization of the substrate reaction between a complex of antithrombin with a synthetic reactive-bond loop tetradecape...