tetrameterMORAIC TETRAMETER IN JAPANESE POETRYDer trochäische Tetrameter bei EuripidesThe Trochaic Tetrameter and the Versus Popularis in LatinMolecular simulations of rhodopsin tetrameter.The Accentual Structure of Estonian Syllabic-Accentual Iambic TetrameterToward a statistical analysis of English verse : the iambic tetrameter of ten poetsThe quantitative structure of Estonian syllabic-accentual trochaic tetrameterit Ab initio calculations of the quasiparticle and absorption spectra of clusters: the sodium tetrameterSC — MEH — MO calculations on lanthanide systems. II. Sm(Cp*) + , Sm(Cp*) 2+ , and the [Sm(Cp*)] tetrameter