The End Justifies the Means(?)The End Justifies The Means?The end justifies the meansThe End Justifies the Means——New Insights of Functionalist Approaches into Translation PracticeThe end justifies the means, but... The means might modify the endThe end justifies the means: rethinking ecotoxicological studies.The End Justifies the Means : the Identification of a Comparative Law Method through the Objective of the ComparisonThe end justifies the means: why Queensland is losing the bikie warThe End Justifies the Means of Audio DescriptionThe end justifies the means, does it?["The end justifies the means."Historical realism and causality in modernity]Opinion: More often than not, the end justifies the meansENDOSCOPIC BILIARY MANOMETRY: THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS