Using standardized sampling designs from population ecology to assess biodiversity patterns of therophyte vegetation across scalesEcological magnitude and fine scale dynamics of the mediterranean narrow endemic therophyte, Arenaria provincialis (Caryophyllaceae)Diversity and gathering activity of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a therophyte lawn in Constantine (Algeria)Communities of nitrophilous tall-herb and therophyte vegetationREPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF A STABLE-DUNE THEROPHYTE COMMUNITY IN DOÑANA (SOUTHERN SPAIN)The evolution of semelparity: Therophyte, magicicada and salmontherophyte [n] - Springertherophyte [n][Phytotoxicity of leaf leaching of Atriplex nummularia Lind. and Atriplex repanda Phil. on therophyte species of natural pastures]...[On Mediterranean subnitrophilous therophyte vegetation (Brometalia rubenti-tectori)]