Smashed your HTC One? No problem, they'll replaceTorment Your Customers (They'll Love It)WHAT A RESULT!; They'll Never Know the Hell I Went through Says Tony KayValue seeking and prediction-decision inconsistency: Why don’t people take what they predict they’ll like the most?"If the dishes don't get done today, they'll get done tomorrow": a breast cancer experience as a catalyst for changes to women's lei...‘They’ll still get the bodily care’. Discourses of care and relationships between nurses and health care assistants in the NHSIf you think you've got a lump, they'll screen you. Informed consent, health promotion, and breast cancer.They Misunderstand, But They'll Pass.Oh, the places theyâll go“They'll Change What They're Doing If They Know that You're Watching”: Measuring Reactivity in Health Behavior Because of an Obser...