Singy Songy Thingy | I Write SongsBioOne Online Journals - Wetlands - 29(3):785 - Full TextCoil the springy thingy‘A Thingy World’: Iris Murdoch's StuffToward Thingy Oriented Programming: Recording Marcos With TangiblesAdvanced Herb Vaporizing Prevents Burning/Singeing & Facilitates French Inhaling: Thingy™ & CozyNosie™‘What’s the Moment Thingy?’– On the Emergence of Subject-Specific Knowledge in CLIL Classroom Interaction‘What’s the Moment Thingy?’– On the Emergence of Subject-Specific Knowledge in CLIL Classroom InteractionThat GP thingy.“Go up to Miss thingy”. “He’s probably like a Whatsit or something”. Placeholders in focus. The differences in use between teen...