- As a thundercloud moves through the air, a strong negative charge gathers near its base.
当雷雨云在空气中移动时,一股很强的负电荷在云层底部附近聚集。 - This finding suggests that massive runaway breakdown may have happened within the thundercloud in a process related to the initiation of the triggered lightning.
'Thundercloud'.Some thundercloud problemsGigantic jets between a thundercloud and the ionosphereThe electric field of a thundercloud and some of its effectsElectrical discharge from a thundercloud top to the lower ionosphereBlue jets produced by quasi‐electrostatic pre‐discharge thundercloud fieldsA two-dimensional model of runaway electron beams driven by quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fieldsA computational study of the relationships linking lightning frequency and other thundercloud parametersHeating, ionization and upward discharges in the mesosphere, due to intense quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fieldsγ-Ray emission produced by a relativistic beam of runaway electrons accelerated by quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields