- In an ideal world, an animated tickling stick would appear beside the column's lighter moments, flagging up their unserious content.
如果可以,我倒希望所有的反馈和评论都可以写在我的文章下面。 - Tomato plants need tickling to initiate pollination.In recent years British growers have been using bumblebees to do this.
Tickling memory T cells.
Tickling induces reward in adolescent rats.
Tickling the TCR: selective T cell functions stimulated by APL
Preliminary Observations on Tickling Oneself
Tickling expectations: neural processing in anticipation of a sensory stimulus
Tickling the TCR: selective T-cell functions stimulated by altered peptide ligands
Tethering and tickling: a new role for the phosphatidylserine receptor
Rotational Resonance Tickling: Accurate Internuclear Distance Measurement in Solids
Touch, pain and tickling: an electro-physiological investigation on cutaneous sensory nerves
Association of asthma with serum IgE and skin test reactivity to allergens among children living at high altitude. Tickling the drag...