- I notice that halfway through every party, Tim always pairs off with Penny.
我注意到每次联欢会举行到一半,蒂姆总是与彭尼结伴而去。 - But for Tim, the whole class passed the test.
除蒂姆之外,全班都通过了这次考试。 - Instead of risking his inheritance in the stock market, Tim decided to play safe and invest it in government bonds.
Identification of Tapr (an airway hyperreactivity regulatory locus) and the linked Tim gene family.
Closing the circadian loop: CLOCK-induced transcription of its own inhibitors per and tim.
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, Third Edition by Tom Cop eland, Tim Koller and Jack Murrin
MNDO Calculations for Compounds Containing Tim
Structure of chicken muscle TIM determined crystallographically at 2.5 Å resolution using amino acid sequence data
Gubernatorial Oral History zip file containing all transcript and audio files (Tim Pawlenty, Jesse Ventura, Arne Carlson, Marlene Jo...
Tim Hauser, Founder and Singer of Manhattan Transfer, Dies at 72
Tim-3 inhibits T helper type 1|[ndash]|mediated auto- and alloimmune responses and promotes immunological tolerance
Effect of Tim-3 on the proliferation of mouse splenic lymphocytes co-cultured with B16F10
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity