Future projections of winter rainfall in southeast Australia using a statistical downscaling techniqueDownscaling of general circulation model outputs: simulation of the snow climatology of the French Alps and sensitivity to climate c...guidelines for use of climate scenarios developed from statistical downscaling methodsA Gcm Study of the Impact of Greenhouse Gas Increase on the Frequency of Occurrence of Tropical CyclonesAttribution of the Late-Twentieth-Century Rainfall Decline in Southwest AustraliaComputation of mean body temperature from rectal and skin temperaturesFloristic changes in the herb-layer vegetation of a deciduous forest in the Lorraine Plain under the influence of atmospheric deposi...A review of historic and future hydrological changes in the Murray-Darling BasinComparison of runoff modelled using rainfall from different downscaling methods for historical and future climates.[Mathematical study of thermal evaporation of humans exposed to heat]