Oei and Kools de Visser v. Citibank, N.A.: Southern District of New York Finds Letter of Credit Applicant Has No Implied Time Limit ...
Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit: Time for a Return to the Fold
Almost renewal time. Letters of credit set to spike in 2011-13: analysts.
Financial Load Variations—Eight Types of Letters of Credit
The law and practice of documentary letters of credit
A Comparison of Standbys and Documentary Letters of Credit
A Case of Suing for Financial Damages for Breach of Contractual Obligation to Open a Letter of Credit
On the Application Scope of Letter of Credit's Independence Principle
On the Prevention of the Letter of Credit Fraud under Asymmetric Information
For some shippers, Web's making life easier But others still cling to complex, time-consuming letters of credit to get paid