- The comedy tine was cut out as being off side.
笑料由于低级趣味而被删去。 - Is it a part- tine job you are after?
Tined leads
Universal tined myocardial pacing lead
Universal tined myocardial pacing lead
New tined lead electrode in sacral neuromodulation: experience from a multicentre European study
Multicenter experience with a bipolar tined polyurethane ventricular lead.
Medium-term experience of sacral neuromodulation by tined lead implantation
Difficulty of extraction of chronically implanted tined ventricular endocardial leads.
The effect on earthworms of ploughing, tined cultivation, direct drilling and nitrogen in a barley monoculture system
Radiofrequency ablation of chondroblastoma using a multi-tined expandable electrode system: initial results
PNE versus 1st stage tined lead procedure: a direct comparison to select the most sensitive test method to identify patients suitabl...