- His shoulders drooped with tiredness.
他因疲倦而低垂着双肩。 - A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected.
Factors underlying tiredness in older adults
High prevalence of tiredness and pain in young schoolchildren
Tiredness and Subsequent Disability in Older Adults: The Role of Walking Limitations
Energy, tiredness, and tension effects of a sugar snack versus moderate exercise
Tiredness in Daily Activities at Age 70 as a Predictor of Mortality During the Next 10 Years
Sleepiness, fatigue, tiredness, and lack of energy in obstructive sleep apnea
Tiredness as determinant of subsequent use of health and social services among nondisabled elderly people
Patients' descriptions of the influence of tiredness and weakness on self-care abilities.
A Qualitative Study to Explore the Concept of Fatigue/Tiredness in Cancer Patients and in Healthy Individuals
Onset of mobility disability among community-dwelling old men and women. The role of tiredness in daily activities