TomcatsSpraying by castrated tomcatsStaying Healthy Key to Tomcats' Playoff ChancesReversible suppression of sexual activity in tomcats with deslorelin implant.Seasonal changes in home range use in feral tomcats in Solling, central Germany [Russian]In vitro evaluation of fresh sperm quality in tomcats: a comparison of two collection techniques268 IN VITRO EVALUATION OF FRESH SPERM QUALITY IN TOMCATS: A COMPARISON OF COLLECTION TECHNIQUES[Feline fibro-epithelial hyperplasia in 3 castrated tomcats following treatment with progestagens]Effect of refractoriness to long photoperiod on sperm production and quality in tomcats.Expectancies, Socioeconomic Status, and Self-Rated Health: Use of the Simplified TOMCATS Questionnaire