Torsion balanceTorsion balanceTorsion balanceNichols RadiometerNEW INSTRUMENTS, MATERIALS AND TOOLS: Sub-miniature toggle switchesSub-miniature toggle switchesTest of the equivalence principle using a rotating torsion balance.Molecular Torsion Balance for Weak Molecular Recognition Forces. Effects of "Tilted-T"Edge-to-Face Aromatic Interactions on Conform...Torsion balance experiments: A low-energy frontier of particle physicsMEASUREMENT OF NEWTON'S CONSTANT USING A TORSION BALANCE IN ANGULAR ACCELERATION FEEDBACKTorsion-balance tests of the weak equivalence principleTheoretical studies of the Wilcox molecular torsion balance. Is the edge-to-face aromatic interaction important?New Measurements of G Using the Measurement Standards Laboratory Torsion Balance