- The truly refreshing and unique contour and trapezium design adds a modern touch to your bathroom.
The Trapezium cluster of the Orion nebulaHST photometry of the trapezium clusterExcision of the Trapezium for Osteoarthritis of the Trapeziometacarpal JointHigh resolution near-infrared imaging of the trapezium: A stellar censusAdditional constraints on circumstellar disks in the Trapezium ClusterDetailed spectroscopic analysis of the Trapezium cluster stars inside the Orion nebulaAn Anatomic Study of the Stabilizing Ligaments of the Trapezium and Trapeziometacarpal JointInfrared L Band Observations of the Trapezium Cluster: A Census of Circumstellar Disks and Candidate Protostars12.1 EXCISION OF THE TRAPEZIUM FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE TRAPEZIOMETACARPAL JOINT: IS THERE A BENEFIT TO LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION OR ...Disabling arthritis at the base of the thumb: treatment by resection of the trapezium and flexible (silicone) implant arthroplasty