- It was like a treasure hunt to me.
每次去图书馆都像是一次寻宝活动。 - Don't forget to hunt for some treasures in the flea market.
Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt
Molecular treasure hunt.
Treasure Hunt: Social Learning in the Field
Treasure Hunt: Inside the Mind of the New Consumer
Treasure Hunt Inside the Mind of the New Consumer.
Treasure hunt in an amoeba: non-coding RNAs in Dictyostelium discoideum
Treasure hunt game utilizing GPS equipped wireless communications devices
Treasure Hunt - a serious game to support psychotherapeutic treatment of children
Deploying and evaluating a mixed reality mobile treasure hunt:Snap2Play
Endophytic fungi from medicinal plants: a treasure hunt for bioactive metabolites
A Library Adventure: Comparing a Treasure Hunt with a Traditional Freshman Orientation Tour.