Tumble-DryerTumble dryerTumble dryerDomestic appliance for treating laundered articles, in particular tumble dryerGeometry development of the internal duct system of a heat pump tumble dryer based on fluid mechanic parameters from a CFD softwareMethod and device for conditioning fabrics in a tumble-dryerModeling of a new recuperative thermoelectric cycle for a tumble dryerModelling of Specific Moisture Extraction Rate and Leakage Ratio in a Condensing Tumble DryerPerformance Study of a Closed-Type Heat Pump Tumble Dryer Using a Simulation Model and an Experimental Set-UpCONDENSATION TUMBLE DRYER HAVING A HEAT PUMP, AND METHOD FOR THE OPERATION THEREOFPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A TUMBLE DRYERAir-exhaust type clothes tumble dryerLoad shifting potential of the washing machine and tumble dryer