sugar beet[植]甜菜
beet sugar n. 甜菜糖
beet pulp甜菜浆;甜菜粕
beet root甜菜根
- Beets are Hank's favorite vegetable.
甜菜根是汉克最爱吃的蔬菜。 - They planted many beets this year.
他们今年种了许多甜菜。 - Now we are going to unload the beet pulp pellet overside into the barges.
Beet Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) Settling Behavior, Survival, and Reproduction on Selected Host Plants
Beet leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) transmits the Columbia Basin potato purple top phytoplasma to potatoes, beets, and weeds.
Opening of Ca2+ channels in isolated red beet root vacuole membrane by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
Ferulic acid and diferulic acids as components of sugar-beet pectins and maize bran heteroxylans.
Preparation antioxidants enriched functional food products from sugar cane and beet
Structure identification of feruloylated oligosaccharides from sugar-beet pulp by NMR spectroscopy.
Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal half of beet yellows closterovirus RNA genome: unique arrangement of eight virus genes.
The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in leaves of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. and wild beet Beta mariti...
Selection and characterization of mixed starter cultures for lactic acid fermentation of carrot, cabbage, beet and onion vegetable m...
Extraction of vegetation biophysical parameters by inversion of the PROSPECT + SAIL models on sugar beet canopy reflectance data. Ap...