Turnix tanki黄脚三趾鹑
Turnix Worcesteri沃氏三趾鹑
Turnix suscitator棕三趾鹑
Turnix sylvatica林三趾鹑
Turnix syluatica鹑属的黄脚三趾鹑
Turnix melanogaster黑胸三趾鹑
Turnix suscitato'棕三趾鹑
Turnix tanki Blyth黄脚三趾鹑
Turnix tanki blanfordii 黄脚三趾鹁 ; 鹤行目
Biogeography and life history of Turnix suscitator Gmelin, 1789Zum Brutverhalten des Laufhühnchens Turnix sylvatica lepuranaExtinction of the Andalusian hemipode Turnix s. sylvatica (Desf.) in the Mediterranean regionThe diet and behaviour of the Black-breasted Button-quail 'Turnix melanogaster'Sonderbildungen an Ösophagus und Trachea beim Weibchen von Turnix sylvatica lepuranaObservations on the Endangered Black-breasted Button-quail Turnix melanogaster Breeding in the WildThe Distribution and Status of the Black-Breasted Button-Quail Turnix Melanogaster (Gould, 1837)Present and past distribution of the black-breasted button-quail 'Turnix melanogaster' (gould) in QueenslandEnergieumsatz und Körpertemperatur bei der Zwergwachtel ( Coturnix chinensis ) und beim Bindenlaufhühnchen ( Turnix suscitator )Radio-tracking Revealed Home Ranges of Black-breasted Button-quail Turnix melanogaster in Remnant Vine Scrub between Hoop Pine Plant...