- She sat twiddling the ring on her finger.
她坐在那儿捻弄手指上的戒指。 - He twiddled with the controls of the radio until he found the station.
Improved Twiddle Access for Fast Fourier Transforms
Twiddle-factor-based FFT algorithm with reduced memory access
Fast Fourier transform twiddle multiplication
An Extendible Look-Up Table of Twiddle Factors for FFT
A quiet hand for microneurosurgery: twiddle your thumb
Twiddle factor memory switching activity analysis of radix-2 2 and equivalent FFT algorithms
A quiet hand for microneurosurgery: twiddle your thumb. Technical note.
Extendible look-up table of twiddle factors and radix-8 based fast Fourier transform
Improved Roundoff Error Analysis for Precomputed Twiddle Factors
Sounds in Hands: A Sound Modifier Using Datagloves and Twiddle Interface