- Elaine plucked a twig from the offending japonica and set about its systematic defoliation with savage concentration.
Matching twigs in probabilistic XMLMatching Twigs in Probabilistic XML.The emerging limbs and twigs of the East Asian mtDNA treeMethod for matching XML twigs using index structures and relational query processorsConstituents of the Bark and Twigs of Artocarpus dadah with Cyclooxygenase Inhibitory ActivityAntioxidant activities of ethanolic extracts from twigs of Cinnamomum osmophleumFungal Endophytes from the Leaves and Twigs of Quercus ilex L. from England, Majorca and SwitzerlandNovel Bioactive Clerodane Diterpenoids from the Leaves and Twigs of Casearia sylvestrisPatterns of Occurrence of Ascomycetes Associated with Decomposing Twigs in a Midwestern StreamMoving water well: comparing hydraulic efficiency in twigs and trunks of coniferous, ring-porous, and diffuse-porous saplings from t...