- Mathews and Tyler are singing and dancing.
马修斯和泰勒在唱歌跳舞。 - Tyler will come out of this fight very well fixed.
Adductor Muscle Strains in Sport
p53 is required for radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes
The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice
The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice
Tumor spectrum analysis in p53-mutant mice
Lowe SW, Ruley HE, Jacks T, Housman DEP53-dependent apoptosis modulates the cytotoxicity of anticancer agents. Cell 74: 957-967
Basic principles of curriculum and instruction /
Why people obey the law /
Analysis of lung tumor initiation and progression using conditional expression of oncogenic K-ras
Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research.