"A Tyrannically Democratic Force": The Symbolic and Cultural Function of Clothing in Catharine Maria Sedgwick's Hope LeslieTyrannically Failing Youth: Three Cases of Paradoxical Dethronement"A tyrannically democratic force": the symbolic and cultural function of clothing in Catharine Maria Sedgwick's 'Hope Leslie.'(Criti...A short discourse on the tyrannical government over things divine and human but especially over the Empire and those subject to the ...Article I, Section 7 Game, TheFleshly Ghost and Ghostly Flesh: The Word and the Body in BelovedBurma's Mass Lay Meditation Movement: Buddhism and the Cultural Construction of PowerA Duty To Kill: John Of Salisbury's Theory Of TyrannicideBurma's Mass Lay Meditation Movement: Buddhism and the Cultural Construction of PowerTrue Crime: The Origins of Modern Sensationalism