Beautifying the Ugly and Uglifying the BeautifulKing Kong Bundy promises to `uglify' `Mr. Wonderful'BEAUTIFYING THE UGLY AND UGLIFYING THE BEAUTIFUL: THE PARADOX IN CLASSICAL ARABIC LITERATURESagliker syndrome: Uglifying human face appearance in late and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failureIs survival enough for quality of life in Sagliker Syndrome-uglifying human face appearances in chronic kidney disease?International study on Sagliker syndrome and uglifying human face appearance in severe and late secondary hyperparathyroidism in chr...Neurologic manifestations in Sagliker syndrome: uglifying human face appearance in severe and late secondary hyperparathyroidism in ...Index of /~jk6e11/node_modules/karma/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/node_modules/uglify-jsCephalometric Evaluation of Patients With Sagliker Syndrome: Uglifying Human Face Appearance in Severe and Late Secondary Hyperparat...Mutational analysis of the GNAS1 gene in patients with chronic renal failure, secondary hyperparathyroidism and uglifying face appea...