Airway structural alterations selectively associated with severe asthma.Designed Hybrid Organic−Inorganic Nanocomposites from Functional Nanobuilding BlocksPercutaneous left ventricular assist devices vs. intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation for treatment of cardiogenic shock: a me...Diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging (DSI) tractography of crossing fibersInterleukin-17, a negative regulator in established allergic asthmaPhylogeny and Evolution of African Shrews (Mammalia: Soricidae) Inferred from 16s rRNA SequencesCaspase-2 induces apoptosis by releasing proapoptotic proteins from mitochondriaAntibodies that protect humans against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages do not on their own inhibit parasite growth and invasion i...Erratum to: ISCEV Standard for full-field clinical electroretinography (2015 update)Mitochondrial phylogeny of African wood mice, genus Hylomyscus (Rodentia, Muridae): implications for their taxonomy and biogeography.