XLI. On the ultramundane corpuscules of Le Sage, also on the motion of rigid solids in a liquid circulating irrotationally through p...
Dantean Ultramundane Voyage in the Chivalric Production of Ariosto and Aretino
3. On the Ultramundane Corpuscules of Le Sage
Justin McGuirk, Danilo Agutoli. Extraterreno: Ultramundane
On Yuan Mei's Ultramundane Awareness
Despre premisele terestre ale călătoriei ultramundane a lui Dante
On the ultramundane corpuscles of Le Sage, also on the motion of rigid solids in a liquid circulating irrotationnally through perfor...
Economic Development and Ultramundaneity
Deep Inner Landscape Sings Life Philosophy——On Robert frost's Inner Loneliness and Ultra Mundane Awareness